Often-Forgotten Moving Essentials

We all remember the basic components of a move: boxes, packing tape, Styrofoam peanuts, blankets. But there are often essential tools for a move that many of us completely blank on until it’s too late. Here are some supplies you may want to get your hands on before your move to help things run more smoothly.

  1. Checklist: we like to tout the importance of a checklist when we can, as having one can make sure nothing gets overlooked and the move continues ahead on schedule. As tempting as it can be to try and juggle every component to the move in your head like a self-confident waiter taking orders, remember to use a checklist to save yourself a lot of aggravation.
  2. Tape measure: how wide is that doorway and how wide is that sofa? How tall are those boxes and how much interior space does that moving truck you rented have? These are questions that can come up in a move, and being able to maneuver items through the house or stack them efficiently can help reduce moving day hassles when they pop up.
  3. Packing labels: what’s in that box? And what’s in THAT box? What room does that box go in? Being able to label your boxes both for yourself and your moving team means speedier moving and less confusion.
  4. Cleaning supplies: if you’re moving out of an apartment, you may find yourself billed by your complex for any additional cleaning they have to do once you’re gone. Or during the moving process you may find items hidden away that haven’t seen light in a while, but plenty of dust. Have some paper towels, cleaning agents, and a trash receptacle handy to keep your move clean.
  5. Plastic bags: when you discover loose items while moving, you can’t just toss them into a box and forget about them, you’ll need somewhere to keep them for later.

Checklist: The Ultimate Tool for Maintaining Moving Sanity

With a million different gears turning on moving day, it’s easy to lose track of what you need, what needs to be done, what’s been done and what’s going where. And if you’re working with others to make that move happen, it becomes even more chaotic as everyone tries to keep everyone else in the loop. While keeping this complex information in your head may seem tempting, having a checkline handy will make sure nothing gets overlooked in the process and your moving day runs smooth as silk.

Firstly, a checklist keeps you organized. Use it to know what you’ve packed away and in which boxes, what steps in the move have been completed and which are still in the works. This includes not just moving the boxes, but addressing items such as utilities, internet connectivity, giving the post office your new forwarding address and more.

This, in turn, helps give you peace of mind and keeps you sane. You won’t have to wrack your brain to remember if the bedroom has been cleared out or if you’ve disabled the gas before the movers pack up the stove, just look to your handy-dandy checklist to see what’s been done.

Keeping a checklist of your inventory being moved also protects your goods. You’ll know what you have and where it’s at, and when it comes time to unpack you can look to your list to make sure everything is where it should be. If anything is missing, you’ll know it immediately instead of months later when you’re looking for it in every box or closet.

A checklist is ideal to make sure the whole process runs smoothly, and this in turn means faster processing time. You won’t have to think “What have I missed? When all you need to do is look at the list and think to yourself”. Nothing, everything’s done!

Moving Those Bulky Appliances

Moving boxes of personal possessions is one thing: they typically stack easily, you can make them as light or as heavy as you want, and carried individually they are usually easy enough for a single person to load one at a time onto a truck. But when your cargo is appliances, this can create challenges that can throw off your whole move if not ready in advance.

Firstly, make sure before any moving takes place that both the gas and electricity to any appliances has been shut off, to keep things safe. If you’re not comfortable disconnecting a gas appliance, feel free to ask your moving team for assistance.

You’ll want to clear a path for any appliances that will be moved. Large items like fridges and ovens can be tough enough to maneuver around corners and doorways, so making sure nothing like bookshelves or chairs are blocking the way will help make the process easier.

Any loose items that are part of the appliance like burner grates or oven racks should be removed or secured tightly. If appliances like the dishwasher are bolted in, carefully disconnect the item and put any bolts or screws into a labeled plastic bag so as not to misplace anything. This would be a good time to remove any connected plumbing fixtures as well.

For added protection, wrap a moving blanket or bubble wrap around the appliance and secure it with packing tape. Have a dolly handy to roll the appliance out of the area, and avoid scraping the floor or nearby cabinets when loading it up. Slowly roll it out of the area to the designated moving truck spot. And remember: if this task is too challenging for you, your moving team is ready to help you out!

The Special Care of Packing Wine Bottles

While packing up conventional items such as clothing and dinnerware may be pretty straightforward, wine bottles require special care when you prepare them for the moving truck. Here are some tips to make sure that Chardonnay or Merlot reaches their destination as rich and robust as when they first left.

Packaging the bottles carefully is of course a must. Fortunately, there are specialty boxes made just for wines. These have special bottle-shaped inserts and are designed to protect the ends of your bottles, and will make packing the bottles a breeze. If you don’t have access to this sort of item, you’ll want to cushion every interior side of the box to prevent breakage or shifting; this can be done with bubble wrap, bunched-up cloth, or wadded up paper.

Note that the best way to pack a bottle of red or white wine is cork-downwards or on the side. This allows the cork to remain wet while preventing the wine’s oxidation, helping to keep the flavor from degrading. Meanwhile, carbonated beverages such as sparkling wines should be kept upright. It is recommended you avoid sending any bottles that have already been opened, lest they open and spill their contents everywhere.

Place the bottles into the box spaced apart from one another to prevent potential impact, then fill the spaces left with more packing materials. Make sure to mark your box with THIS SIDE UP to help prevent any tipping or spoiling of the wines.

When you arrive at your destination, let the wines sit unopened for at least a week, as bottle shock may result from being jostled around which can in turn negatively affect your wine’s flavor. Let the wine settle untouched, after which you can celebrate your move with a raised glass!

How to dispose of unwanted items?

If you are interested in getting rid of unwanted items you have accumulated in your home, the time of your move is a good time to do it.
Here are some tips on how to get rid of unwanted items in your home.
Tips for getting rid of unwanted items before moving.

  1. Start now
    No matter how much time you have before you want to move, you should start the organizing process now. Start sorting; this will help you keep only valuable items instead of having to rush through everything when the time comes.
  2. Identify your moving items
    This way you will be able to classify the items you have and make a selection of those you don’t need.
  3. Don’t get attached to items you don’t use
    Often people find it difficult to throw away items that they have had for years, but do not use, you should get used to throw away these items that you do not use.
  4. Remove the documents and magazines
    You’ve been saving them for a long time, but if it’s been a long time since you last read them or used them, it’s time to get rid of them.
  5. Make it a routine
    Don’t just sort your items once and then forget about them. Over time things break, fade and age, and you should pay attention to anything that isn’t useful. Try to pick one day a month to do this.

Are full service movers worth it?

Hiring a moving company is a solution to prepare the moving boxes with your belongings. As the name suggests, the latter also provides convenience. The experts will also take care of the disassembly and assembly of your furniture.
These are the advantages and disadvantages of a move done by professionals.

Moving done by a company

If you are short on time or have a large house, we recommend a move by professionals. They take on the tasks assigned to them according to your wishes and specifications. In addition, your belongings are insured against transport damages by recommended companies. They also offer you two options: full service and comfort moving. In addition, the high effort of moving planning is problematic. You have to get moving boxes, coordinate movers, and book trucks. This effort costs valuable time that is lacking elsewhere.

Also, keep in mind that transportation damage during private moves is usually not insured. Consequently, packing your household goods must be done with due care and is therefore time-consuming.

Benefits of hiring a moving service

  • Minimizes stress
    Since the staff will be in charge of loading everything and doing it quickly, as well as unloading it.
  • It saves time
    Since they are trained to move things with greater agility.
  • It is much safer
    As they are professionals, the risk of accidents or losses is considerably minimized.
  • Privacy at all times
    The only ones who know the exact day of the move as well as the destination are the company and the client.

The Special Care of Packing Wine Bottles

While packing up conventional items such as clothing and dinnerware may be pretty straightforward, wine bottles require special care when you prepare them for the moving truck. Here are some tips to make sure that Chardonnay or Merlot reaches their destination as rich and robust as when they first left.

Packaging the bottles carefully is of course a must. Fortunately, there are specialty boxes made just for wines. These have special bottle-shaped inserts and are designed to protect the ends of your bottles, and will make packing the bottles a breeze. If you don’t have access to this sort of item, you’ll want to cushion every interior side of the box to prevent breakage or shifting; this can be done with bubble wrap, bunched-up cloth, or wadded up paper.

Note that the best way to pack a bottle of red or white wine is cork-downwards or on the side. This allows the cork to remain wet while preventing the wine’s oxidation, helping to keep the flavor from degrading. Meanwhile, carbonated beverages such as sparkling wines should be kept upright. It is recommended you avoid sending any bottles that have already been opened, lest they open and spill their contents everywhere.

Place the bottles into the box spaced apart from one another to prevent potential impact, then fill the spaces left with more packing materials. Make sure to mark your box with THIS SIDE UP to help prevent any tipping or spoiling of the wines.

When you arrive at your destination, let the wines sit unopened for at least a week, as bottle shock may result from being jostled around which can in turn negatively affect your wine’s flavor. Let the wine settle untouched, after which you can celebrate your move with a raised glass!

Moving Those Bulky Appliances

Moving boxes of personal possessions is one thing: they typically stack easily, you can make them as light or as heavy as you want, and carried individually they are usually easy enough for a single person to load one at a time onto a truck. But when your cargo is appliances, this can create challenges that can throw off your whole move if not ready in advance.

Firstly, make sure before any moving takes place that both the gas and electricity to any appliances has been shut off, to keep things safe. If you’re not comfortable disconnecting a gas appliance, feel free to ask your moving team for assistance.

Any loose items that are part of the appliance like burner grates or oven racks should be removed or secured tightly. If appliances like the dishwasher are bolted in, carefully disconnect the item and put any bolts or screws into a labeled plastic bag so as not to misplace anything. This would be a good time to remove any connected plumbing fixtures as well.

For added protection, wrap a moving blanket or bubble wrap around the appliance and secure it with packing tape. Have a dolly handy to roll the appliance out of the area, and avoid scraping the floor or nearby cabinets when loading it up. Slowly roll it out of the area to the designated moving truck spot. And remember: if this task is too challenging for you, your moving team is ready to help you out!

Self-Storage: A Newbie’s Guide

Sometimes a little extra space is needed in a home: we may have collected too many items over the years, or you may decide it’s time to open up a room for a new purpose. In times like those, you have to wonder just what to do with your extra inventory, and you decide self-storage is a promising plan. But just what do you need to do to store your additional items yourself?

You’ll want to inventory just how much you plan on putting away in advance, both to give yourself an idea of how much space it’ll end up taking up elsewhere, as well as to help you keep track of the items once they’re put away.

When you’ve determined just what you’ll be packing up, you’ll be better equipped to plan on storage boxes and bins. Keep like items together, to help reduce hunting should you need those items in the future, and label all boxes with the inventory you add to them. Keep items that you may have to go back to soon in the front.

Plan on just where in your home you’ll be storing these items. There are a lot of potential places available such as an attic or another room, but also keep in mind if you’ll want access to those areas for other purposes in the future; using another room may not be a good idea unless you don’t mind maneuvering around those boxes. An attic can be handy, provided whatever you’re packing isn’t too heavy or challenging to carry up and down stairs.

If you find yourself with more inventory than you have space in your home to store it, you may want to consider renting a storage unit elsewhere.

Keeping a Home Bright When on the Market

Your home is going on the market and you want to make the best impression possible for potential buyers who may be interested in purchasing it from you. So how do you add to its appeal in order to attract newcomers? One of the best ways is to create an air of brightness and comfort for anyone hoping to make it their own home, to give it that open, inviting feel.

The first and often best way to brighten up a home when trying to sell is to open all the windows, curtains and blinds. This is especially important if the room is small or has dark paint colors, as the openness of the outside adds to the perceived size of the rooms themselves. It also helps to reduce unwanted echo in a smaller or non-carpeted room. Likewise, should the weather permit and there aren’t bugs around, you can open doors to the house as well.

Turn on lights around the house, especially in rooms without a window or skylight available or on darker days when showing the home. While natural light is preferable to showing a room’s natural beauty, when this isn’t an option you want to ensure your rooms can still have a homey, warm feel. Aim for softer lights and avoid lights that shine in viewers’ eyes, as too much of a good thing can also be a deterrent.

If you’re staging a home, try to include mirrors around the house. This gives the rooms a bigger feel while also reflecting the light already inside, brightening the environment even further. And if the room is small or dark, consider adding some bright, pale color to the room using rugs, art or furniture.

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